Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hey Update Time

So I got a Storm Oni from a hatch with a helephant last night. I am getting a little bored right now and a lot anticipating Celestia. Oh well I guess I will give me more time to work on my big school project and do less playing of wizard101... I am spending most of my time at Boulderbone hoping for a lot of Robe of Theorem drops so I can rack up some gold quickly for more hatches. I have gotten about a million weapons cache and the stew pot things. I also got a random housing item it was like a hoe or something like a gardening tool. It was pretty cool. I think I have defeated Boulderbone at least 500 times now... lol. I have gotten 2 hatches out of him and I will have another tonight. My hatch time is like 9 o'clock because that is when my hatcher resets :) I am hoping to go to A Savior of the Spiral's birthday party. I don't know her in-game yet and really want to wish her a happy birthday and see the party she is putting on. So I tried to RSVP on her comment area like it said on her blog.
